LaTex Rendering
LaTeX Math Examples
Practiced various math equations rendered using LaTeX
Algebra - Slope-Intercept Form
The equation of a straight line, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept
Linear Algebra - Matrix Multiplication
The product of two 2×2 matrices
Calculus - Chain Rule
The chain rule for differentiation
Vector Calculus - Divergence Theorem
The relationship between volume integral and surface integral
Complex Analysis - Cauchy's Integral Formula
Formula for the value of a holomorphic function inside a contour
Differential Equations - Wave Equation
The one-dimensional wave equation
Linear Algebra - Eigenvalue Equation
The characteristic equation for finding eigenvalues
Statistics - Normal Distribution
The probability density function of the normal distribution
Quantum Mechanics - Schrödinger Equation
The time-independent Schrödinger equation